What is Your Garage Door Saying About Your Home? Classic, Modern & Country Styles, Here Are 3 Tips Every Homeowners Should Know

We’ve all heard it said that “clothes make the man” (or woman), but it is a concept that applies to lots of other things.

Take garage doors, for example.

An Ugly Garage Door is a Disaster to Your Home Curb Appeal

As a perfect illustration of this, take a few steps outside and head towards the street or front yard. Turn and look at your home. What is the first thing you notice?

It depends a bit on where you are standing, but many of us will notice the garage door instantly.

This is because it is the largest element of a home, and particularly if it is a garage that houses more than a single-vehicle.

Don’t think the garage door matters that much?

Here’s another little exercise that will change your mind.

Take a drive through a neighborhood you like and pretend you are looking for a home to buy. Pull up in front of the one you think most promising.

Take a quick look. What did you look at first?
If it wasn’t the front door, it was the garage door.

Does Your Garage Door Make You Look Good?

It is like that saying we used earlier, the clothes make the man, and if you think of your garage door as a form of dressing, it can make (or break) the good looks of the house.

Have you ever asked yourself how you feel about your garage door ? For instance: Does it really represent my personality? Do I even like it?

Maybe it is more a case of looking at it, sighing and thinking, "I've really got to do something about that door because it doesn't match the property!"

Even worse is looking at it and thinking it might be driving the value of the home downward because it is outdated or shabby.

To help you resolve this issue, here are some helpful details that can help give your garage a look it deserves.

Start Here: Why is it important for your garage door to represent your personality?

The #1 Reason: MONEY!

Garage doors typically face the street and offer up a major feature that creates an impression upon those living near or visiting the home.

The garage door is so large that it can actually negate the good looks of a tidy yard and pretty garden.

Think of how fast you notice a large door with peeling paint rather than the tidy bed of flowers right in front of it.

A new garage door or even one spruced up can greatly improve the look and the overall value of your home.

The National Association of Realtors in the United States has determined that owners seeking to sell their homes fare better when the garage door is attractive.

“As well as having a neat, well-organized interior, you could sell your residence faster and even get a better offer or close to the asking price on its sale because of a good garage door.” 

Real estate agents even say you can get up to 4% more if your door has that “wow” effect on visitors.

Also, a 2018 Remodeling Magazine in its “Cost vs. Value” report indicated that replacing a garage door gives the best return on investment at a whopping 98%.

This is the highest value among 21 renovation projects evaluated for the report.

If this hasn’t convinced you to improve your garage door, ask yourself this:

What Style is Your Home?

If you have been convinced to update the door, you need to make the answer to this question a priority. If you are not convinced, you need to read on so you can start to recognize the multiple benefits of improving the garage door.

Making the door more attractive and appealing begins with the architectural style of your home.

There is an important link between the architectural style of your home and the garage door design chosen.

The good news is that you don’t have to become an expert in architecture to recognize which style pairs with your home.

Start with the 3 main styles, below, and know that whether your home is a 1-floor bungalow, a split level, or 2-story, it is also one of the 3 following styles:

Traditional Style:

Inspiring Traditional Interior Home

Traditional doesn’t necessarily mean antiquated or "old school" ; it is rather more a blend of styles that reflect changing times and trends.

For instance, your traditional style may includestained glass panels and carved wood elements in the kitchen cabinetry.

If you are someone who purchases consumer goods like furniture, clothing, and even vehicles that are well-made and not too flashy, it is likely that you have a Traditional style in your home.

Standard+ Classic MIX, 9' x 7', Desert Sand

Do you like this look? These are 9x7 Garage Doors, in Classic Mix Pattern and Desert Sand Color

In line with Traditional is the Bungalow or Cottage look. These are classics and borrow from a lot of different architectural styles. The look that comes from this school of architecture is often harmonious and timeless.

Standard+ Prestige XL, 9' x 8', Moka Brown, Cachet windows

You like this look? These are 9x8 Garage Doors, in Prestige XL Pattern , Moka Brown Color and with Cachet Windows

Modern Style:

Inspiring Contemporary Interior Decor

Growing in popularity in the current era, the Contemporary look is always uncluttered and emphasizes darker hues and colors along with lots of earthier tones that blend nicely.

Standard+ Vog, 9' x 7', Black, window layout: Right-side Harmony

You like this look? These are 9x7 Garage Doors, in VOG Pattern , Black Color, and with Right Side Harmony Windows

The Modern styles often haveelements sometimes surprising in size, including oversized doors and windows.

However, the Contemporary style is also shaped by the idea of a balance of forms, purity of lines, and simplicity.

California, Black aluminum frame, Satin glass

You like this look? These are 6x8.5 and 16x8.5 CALIFORNIA Garage Doors, Black Aluminum Frame, and with Satin Glass Windows

A distinguishing trait of Modern design is the use of oversized windows that seem to increase the interior dimensions of the house .

Country-Style Look :

This architectural style is mostly found outside urban settings.

Inspiring Rustic Interior Décor from Interior Design Magazine

Image: Interior Design Magazine

For example, it includes the carriage-house style distinguished by the appearance of such traditional architectural elements as dormers, cornices and large porches .

Many are familiar with the style’s use of gridded multi-pane windows and projecting roofs.

Princeton P-21, 9' x 7', Chocolate Walnut doors and overlays, 8 lite Panoramic windows

You like this look? These are PRINCETON P-21 Garage Doors (X-Shaped Overlays), Chocolate Walnut doors & overlays, and with 8 lite Panoramic windows

Quite often, the garage doors designed to work with homes in this style give a nod to the swing doors of yesteryear.

Featuring overlays in A-, V-, or X-configurations, the doors can also be square to create a barn-door look.

Cambridge CS, 9' x 7', Ice White door and overlays, 4 lite Panoramic windows

You like this look? This is a CAMBRIDGE CC Garage Door, Ice White door & overlays, and with 4 lite Panoramic windows

Typically, it takes just a quick look to know that carriage house garage doors are for you. 😊

Vantage Shaker-CS Long, 9' x 8', Dark Walnut, windows with Stockton Inserts

You like this look? These are Vantage SHAKER-CS LONG Garage Doors, Dark Walnut Color door & overlays, windows with Stockton Insert, and decorative hardware

Now that you are learning how elaborate and stylish garage doors can be, it is unlikely that you find yourself stuck with a boring or plain garage door.

Here at Car‑Wal Doors, we offer 38 different door designs in 12 colors and more than 100 window possibilities, with more options on the way each day.

By adding charm as well as value to the home, a garage door must be chosen with design, architecture, and even fashion in mind.

There is also the issue of color.

What Colours Best Fit Your Style?

We’ve been speaking about architectural styles and know that they vary widely by period and style. There are specific colours that dominate specific periods, and then another entirely different colour emerges.


Designers and architects say it is based on customer demand and the need to offer a "very special personality" to their home.

Yet, there are also wider trends that influence architectural styles.

These newcomers inject some diversity and often add a few new colours to the typical garage door palettes.

Current trends have emphasized darker, earthier colors, like Mocha Brown, Charcoal, and Sandstone.

Not only do they emulate nature, but they offer lower maintenance thanks to their darker hues.

These 5 colors mimic the appearance of a wooden garage door without the maintenance that wood needs.

1. American Walnut

2. Cherry

3. Chocolate Walnut 

4. Dark Walnut

5. The Brand New Iron Ore Walnut

These 5 factory-baked-on, polyester-based paints really give the look of a wood garage door!

Another of the trendier hues at this time is Black .

Eastman E-11, 16' x 8', Black door and overlays, 4 vertical lite Panoramic windows

You like this look? This is an EASTMAN E-11 Garage Door, Black door & overlays, and with 4 lite Panoramic windows

Rather than sending out a message of gravity or no style, it does the opposite.

It speaks of style and simplicity, modernity, and elegance.

Because it is such a trending color it is possible to find black garage doors not only in modern patterns but also in traditional and carriage-house patterns.

Working with homes in darker hues like grey or faced with faux stone, or against a monochromatic palette, the black garage door fits well with many styles. It is also excellent if used to create contrast with paint or stone and brickwork.

While fashionistas say that black is thinning, it looks good on a building because it does not reflect light. It gives a sense of sharpness and even shrinks the size of the door.

If you have a double garage door and you don’t want it to "steal the show," black will "shrink" the perceived size of the door.

Careful! Black Garage Doors Can Become Hot

An important point to consider is that a black garage door absorbs the sun’s warmth . This can mean a lot of heat generated by the averagesingle door (9x7) but even more with a double door at (16x7)!

In fact, it can become very hot during the summertime. Hot enough to sustain a burn if you lean on the door or place a palm against it.

Take note of this because a good quality garage door will last around 20 years, and you don't want a burn-risk lasting that long!

If you want to move to a more neutral color, instead of overusedwhite, you could choose sand, or beige to be a bit more different and trendier.

These don’t stand out the way brighter hues like bold red or green might, and can help to direct attention towards other elements of the home, like landscaping.

Don’t Forget the Personality and Light from Windows in the Garage Door

Experts would tell you that you should consider adding windows to a garage door for two reasons:

  • They allow natural light inside
  • They enhance the overall style

There are scores of options with garage door windows, and you definitely want them no matter what size door.

They add so much character and bring in a lot of outdoor light, but you will need to consider 3 factors as you choose the windows for your door:

1. The Layout

Options range from Double or Single Right or Left Side Windows to Outer Sections Windows. You can have the all-time Classic Upper Section Windows, but also 3rd Section windows, too.

2. Decorative Inserts

A bit more elegant, inserts bring a definite Traditional or Carriage-House style to the home.

3. What Type of Glass?

Do you want a direct view outdoors, or do you require privacy? The good news is that there are options in glass for almost any goal or need.

You can add any type of glass to almost any model of window, ensuring the door suits the home’s personality!

Are you feeling overwhelmed by all of the options? We understand how so many choices can become confusing.

Don’t panic!

While it may seem like a very serious concern because doors last 20 years and making the right choice is important, there is help.

Contact a garage door dealer near you. They are best qualified to guide you and help ensure your garage door reflects your personality.

If you’d like, you could call Car-Wal Doors at 1 of our 5 places of service:

London: 519-685-9797

Mount Pleasant: 905-304-9700

Guelph: 519-821-4400

Goderich: 519-482-3251

Toronto: 647-492-4739

If you prefer, we can easily provide you with a quotation by email, or you can visit our showrooms to get advice as well as inspiration from other doors.

Maybe you don't have time to stop by? That's okay.
You can use our mobile app Design Centre to select a style that fits your home. You can even test your favorite options on a photo of your home!

Looking for inspiration first? Lots of gorgeous residential garage door waiting for you here, so take a look!

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